The most fun part, your posts section. You can edit every post here. Give your post a title, a body, and boom, you’ve got a diary entry! There are no rules. Art is subjective.
Write whatever you please. Put all the photos you want to into the body of your entry. Everything's temporary, including your posts. You can always change them later. You can always delete them.
How to start a blog
It’s as simple as going to Blogspot.com and signing up! Before you sign up, I suggest you think of a name for your blog. Is it a public or private blog? You can change this in settings later. What’s your theme?
I named my secret blog 5am Girl. It is a daily record, text only, of what has happened during that day. I add to every entry at random times throughout the day.
The idea is to write what you know. Write about your interests, what you love. Or conversely, you could write, like me, about the daily ongoings in your life. You could even start a picture blog, with images only, if you so chose. The possibilities are truly endless here. ✨